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Case Study:
Harley-Davidson Australasia
The Requirement
In 1903 William S. Harley and Arthur Davidson made their first production Harley-Davidson motorcycle
Jumping forward 120+ years and crossing the ocean to another continent, Harley-Davidson Australasia wanted to revise their loyalty solution for their New Zealand dealers as they required a dedicated EFTPOS terminal and credit card style ‘chip’ cards that cost $100 per loyalty member.
Click HERE to read the how 'Road & Sport' used loyalty to succeed while winning international success.
The Solution
Overview: IQ Gecko designed a solution that gave Harley-Davidson dealers more for less with the ability to capture transactional data while seamlessly interfacing with their current systems.
Creating a loyalty App and customer registration web portal and giving each HarleyDavidson dealer the ability to communicate with their members was also in our scope.
Specifics: The IQ Gecko team interfaced with the vast range of POS and Business Systems at every Harley-Davidson location which automatically allocated points and captured transactions plus a mobile dashboard for capturing transactions during their test drives and road trips.
Workflow: After collecting their card in-store, the loyalty member earns points by scanning their card before the sale is complete.
Each H-D dealer can view their loyalty member transactions by; date, product, place, price and purchaser.
With this information Harley-Davidson can also market “with relevance”.
The Result
The IQ Gecko supplied combo-card + key FOB cost less than 50¢ per card as opposed to $100 per card that they were paying previously.
This cost-effective solution allowed more members to join whether they bought a motorcycle or belt buckle.
The ability for the customer to only have to register once for their card to be used at all locations improved the customer experience.
IQ Gecko platform security ensured that every dealer could only access customer information and market to members who have shopped with them and became their customer.
Seamless interfacing, inexpensive cards and improved customer data insights resulting in a 300+% increase of Harley-Davidson memberships in just a few years.
For more Harley-Davidson loyalty insights, click HERE to read the 'Road and Sport Harley-Davidson' Q&A with Shelley Sproule and how loyalty assisted in their award winning international success.
When you are achieving 300+% growth you know that you are doing many things right.
IQ Gecko designed a solution that gave Harley-Davidson dealers more for less with the ability to capture transactional data while seamlessly interfacing with their current systems.
Seamless interfacing and improved customer data insights resulting in a 300+% increase of Harley-Davidson memberships in just a few years.
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