Gratitude Emails.
Loyal customers are the backbone of a business, and it’s imperative that you show them your gratitude for what they do for your company.
A little thanks goes a very long way.
Be unique while easily taking email marketing one step further by thanking customers for their loyalty and build up that loyalty even further.
Nothing says Thank-You quite like, well, “Thank-You”.
We all want to feel appreciated and the best way is with a simple “Thank-You".
With the StickyFeet platform from IQ Gecko - you have the ability to personally thank your customers any day and every day.
Emailing your own custom “Thank-You” greeting complete with “Points Status” after a purchase is very powerful as it reinforces the merchant’s relationship while also featuring all of your newest products, promotions and specials you want to highlight.
When you acknowledge each of your customers individually for being engaged members of your brand community, you demonstrate a desire to get to know them and continue building that relationship.
Personal attention goes a long way towards endearing customers to your brand, so making a sincere “thank-you” should always be a key component of your ongoing business model.
'Thank-You' is brand reinforcement.
Besides making your customers smile, this will also help set your business apart.
Welcome emails after a customer registers for your loyalty program is a great way to start your customer engagement on a good footing.
One of the more powerful 'Thank-You' connections is when you send a Thank-You after a transaction.
As a small gesture can guarantee my customer loyalty, imagine what a combination of thank you gestures can do for your customer base!
At the end of the day, thanking customers is a huge step towards a thriving brand community that will keep your customers happy and coming back time after time.
Taking the 'Thank-You' step.
When you include a personal message, you turn the entire experience (even after the sale!) into an opportunity to strengthen your relationship with the customer. This turns a simple order into an exchange among friends.
People like people who are like them - and people who like them. It is simply good business to show gratitude to your customers. The extra smile of appreciation your Gratitude Email gives them will make all their repeat shopping visits just that much more enjoyable.
The added bonus of including member benefits such as current points and available rewards increases member interest - while adding in your business specials with web links increases sales.
It’s important to find a way that makes sense for your business, your brand, and above all your customers.
IQ Gecko offer a range of ways to send a personalised Thank-You emails points such as; post-registration, at the POS (clerk controlled or automated) and scheduled - for birthdays or any event/occasion.
Have a look at LoyaltyPad, posIQ and IQ Genius to learn more.
Saying “Thank-You” has never been so easy.
38% of customers attribute a good customer experience to personalisation.
60% of businesses have lost a customer because they feel the business is indifferent to them.
86% of shoppers are willing to pay more for a better customer experience.
Communication of appreciation.
Sending a thank-you is a perfect chance to remind your customers of your beliefs and how much you value their business.
A thank-you email is a perfect chance to invite your customers to follow you on social media, introduce a loyalty program or write a review.